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- GOMF1.0
- ~~~~~~~
- Introduction
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Please read the entire text of this file before using GOMF1.0. It contains
- important information and could save you a lot of hassle.
- The name of this application is an acronym for 'Get Outa My Face'. I've
- found myself mumbling this phrase all too often when public domain or even
- commercial programs have created errors, bringing on the ubiquitous guru
- meditation alert. Of course the majority of these system traps I've seen
- were caused by address errors in my own code, while in the early stages of
- writing and debugging my own software.
- It is true that the user has the option, at the system requester presented
- before the alert, of simply ignoring it and continuing to run programs,
- even though the system is somewhat crippled. I, however, found this to be
- almost as inconvenient as rebooting. I did so only when I had to save
- valuable data to disk or was anticipating another problem with the program
- I was developing. At times I would run my program, select an option,
- crash, make notes, click the system requester to the rear, run the program
- again, select another option, crash, and make more notes, in a loop until I
- had all the information I could glean. Then I'd click a system requester
- back to the front and go through the guru meditation every Amiga user has
- been forced into. There had to be a better way!
- Apparently in the nuclear power generation industry when the operating
- system senses a grevious enough malfunction it shuts itself down. The
- operators or technicians then say that the 'system scrammed'. I think this
- is an appropriate way of describing the Amiga user's perdicament.
- My first experiments with the system traps was to write an error handler
- module, which is linked to the assembler code I'm developing, that allows
- me to clean up and debug while never crashing at all. This worked rather
- well because the program that caused the error 'knew' itself intimately and
- could therefore extricate itself, upon user direction to do so, from the
- system, with no ill effects. I should mention at this point that the kind
- of crashes I'm talking about are only those that cause a requester, not the
- ones that have the system so badly out of shape that the normal interface
- is gone. The link module would protect system integrity only from its own
- errors. This meant that, if some other utility I was using caused an
- error, then the guru would come with the handbasket.
- The second version of GOMF1.0 was designed to provide its error handling
- features globally within the system. It would then respond to errors in
- any task or process. The error handler would know nothing about a program,
- except what it could fetch out of the system structures. This means that
- GOMF1.0 can only remove public memory, including, the task or process, its
- memory allocations, messages unanswered and display screens and windows,
- from the system. This works well. It may be that there is one more opener
- than closer left in a library, device or resource, but this dosen't impede
- normal operations like the guru alert is wont to do. Any memory allocated
- and maintained in a private memory list or messages saved internally by a
- program, cannot be released to the system.
- The benifits of the GOMF1.0 system make it worth using, I believe, even for
- the casual user. The most obvious reason is the reduction in the frequency
- of having to reboot the system at the guru meditation prompt. This will
- save you time. When you don't have to reboot, you don't have to wait while
- your startup-sequence configures your machine. I've found this a real boon
- because I was reticent to have a lot of background tasks or utilities
- activated, mainly because I'd have to wait for them to be set up each time
- I was forced to reboot. When using GOMF1.0 this is reduced to the minimum
- possible, I believe.
- If you don't have to reset the Amiga, you lose no data, unless the creator
- of the error has trashed your workspace. This saves your work. You have
- the option of saving out to disk any important files. I suggest doing this
- to temporary disk files so that if the data is corrupted, you have a chance
- to verify this before overwriting your originals. A recoverable ram disk,
- otherwise known as VD0:, also protects contents of ram from losses caused
- by resets. They can be mounted upon rebooting to recover their previous
- contents. They will not protect against data corruption caused by a
- runaway program either, however. The main difference between GOMF1.0 and a
- recoverable ram disk, to a user or programmer, is the same as the main
- difference between VD0: and RAM:, other than recoverability. Floppy disk
- is reasonably fast. RAM: is very fast. VD0: is somewhere in between.
- From the standpoint of speed, GOMF1.0 and RAM: are preferable to VD0:. 'I
- feel the need....the need for speed!'
- I can hear some of you devious (intelligent?) computerists out there
- thinking... 'Why not use RAM: for speed, when disk intensive operations
- are called for, and place all important data in VD0: files so that they can
- be recovered if a reset is necessary, just in case GOMF1.0 is unable to
- recover from the crash?' You know, I'm glad you thought of that. It works
- well. GOMF1.0, RAM: and VD0: are foundational tools for programming, at
- least in the early stages. Development is quicker and more reliable.
- Policies
- ~~~~~~~~
- On all software described herein, I express no warranty of, but not
- limited to, the usefulness, method of operation, or the user's
- satisfaction with the results. Neither do I imply such a warranty. You
- signify your willingness to exempt me from all responsibility for the
- results of the use of these software products by your use of them.
- The GOMF1.0 software, listed below, may be shared with anyone, provided
- this is done for no profit, other than a nominal fee for disk copying. I
- require also that all files listed be kept together as found. I wish none
- of this text file nor any of the executable programs be altered in any way.
- GOMF1.0 and GOMF1.0.obj are shareware products which are to be utilized
- only by those who pay the suggested sum of $5.00 each for the use of either
- program. If you find this software useful, please remit this minimal sum
- to the address below.
- GOMF1.0 is not public domain software. Therefore, neither GOMF1.0 nor
- GOMF1.0.obj may be included with any other program released, whether public
- domain or commercial without the prior, written consent of the author,
- Christian Johnsen. If you wish to do so please arrange this by writing me
- at the following address with the particulars. I'll entertain customizing
- this system for your particular application's use if required.
- I wish to mention, at this point, that I hope no one is offended by the
- icon I've designed for these programs. No disrespect was intended.
- Contents
- ~~~~~~~~
- The disk on which you found this information file should contain the
- following programs and text files plus their attendant icons.
- 1. GOMFinfo - this text file of instructions and terms.
- 2. GOMF1.0 - the global error handler.
- 3. GOMF1.0.obj - the error handler object code link module.
- 4. Hey! - a program to allow recall of GOMF1.0 for user discretionary
- operations on the program display.
- 5. Err1 - a simple Workbench screen error test program.
- 6. Err2 - an error test program with a custom double length screen,
- containing fourteen windows.
- 7. Err3 - a custom double length screen error test program containing
- no windows.
- 8. Err4 - an example test program linked with GOMF1.0.obj to demonstrate
- the capabilities of the link module.
- 9. Err4.asm - the source code for Err4 that demonstrates the use of the
- link module GOMF1.0.obj.
- Instructions
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- GOMF1.0 is the global system error handler which I designed for the
- average Amigaiod. It notifies the user that it has installed itself, then
- snoozes until the system scrams. Then, according to user selection, it
- restores the system in one of four ways. The other version of the program,
- GOMF1.0.obj, was designed for programmers. It must be linked to a program
- after assembly or compilation. It will handle errors similar to GOMF1.0,
- except that it can be customized as described in 'Using GOMF1.0.obj'. The
- Hey! program is useful if it becomes necessary to reenter the error handler
- because you have exited it prematurely. The Err1, Err2, and Err4 programs
- are provided so that you may test the operation of GOMF1.0 and familiarize
- yourself with its operation before you attempt to beat the guru under
- normal operation conditions. Err4 is a demo of a program linked to
- GOMF1.0.obj.
- Using GOMF1.0
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This program can be run either from the CLI or the Workbench. To use the
- program from the CLI enter...
- Run GOMF1.0
- I suggest that the program be kept in the C directory of the Workbench
- disk, and the above line be added to your startup-sequence. This way your
- Amiga system will be made reasonably crash proof upon booting up.
- When run there will be a momentary window displayed informing you that
- GOMF1.0 is activated. It will detect any setup errors and report these, if
- found, so that you'll know that the system is then not protected. GOMF1.0
- and GOMF1.0.obj examine system structures to determine which of either
- 68000, 68010 or 68020 microprocessors are on board and configures itself to
- handle the appropriate supervisor stack frame. I have not, at this time
- (June 25, 1987), had the pleasure of testing this on either the 68010 or
- 68020 configured machines. I would appreciate any feedback on the success
- or failure of GOMF1.0 on either of these processors.
- Once an error is encountered, the normal system requester, giving the RETRY
- or CANCEL options will be presented. Select the CANCEL gadget. The
- SYSTEM SCRAMMED window will then be presented. It contains useful
- information, similar to that encoded into the guru meditation alert number,
- but it is decoded and presented in English text. This includes the alert
- number, the program counter address of the instruction immediately
- following the error, the library or vector type of the error, the general
- type of problem and a description of a more specific nature. This includes
- all known error types listed in the developer's alerts include file. There
- are also four gadget options. You must use caution when using any of this
- tool's options.
- The GOMF gadget removes, as safely as possible, the errant program, then
- returns the system to normal processing. It will not fix the problem in
- the program, only remove the task or process without the need to reset the
- computer. Whenever the GOMF gadget is tweaked, the results of the
- operation are displayed. This would be either the completed message, if
- successful, or an error message in the event of a failure. Normally it is
- only the removal of the display elements of a program which yield errors.
- You can usually use the WHAP gadget as suggested in the error message to
- recover the display should this occur, before attempting to use GOMF a
- second time. The messages provided by the error handler should be
- sufficient to guide you through the removal of a program, but please use
- the Err1, Err2 and Err4 programs to practice operations.
- The WHAP gadget is provided for use when a program's windows or screen
- elude the automatic scan features of GOMF. For instance, if it is
- ascertained that only the WB screen is active, then you will be requested
- to click on the WHAP gadget followed by the offensive program's window or
- screen. WHAP will remove the display element selected. WHAP will make it
- possible to remove piece by piece a multi-screen and/or multi-window
- display, if necessary. You will have to either, use the Left-AMIGA and N
- or Left-AMIGA M key combinations to flip between the Workbench and the
- applications' screen if it uses one of its own, or pull down the Workbench
- screen to expose the faulty programs' display, when using this option.
- The RESET gadget allows a reboot of the system without visiting the guru
- or giving the Amiga three finger salute.
- The GURU gadget calls the normal system alert as usual.
- Using GOMF1.0.obj
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- GOMF1.0.obj is an object code file generated by an assembler. For a
- programmer to use it the code must be linked to the object output of an
- assembler or compiler. The ALINK linker directives FROM or ROOT are used
- to accomplish this. For example...
- ALINK MyProg,GOMF1.0.obj to ProgName
- GOMF1.0.obj provides the same protection as GOMF1.0, however the linked
- module allows the programmer to design his or her own method of handling
- these error returns.
- Setting up your source code for use with GOMF1.0.obj is relatively easy.
- Your code must make references to the following external labels, _GOMF
- and _GOMFEnding. You may also wish to utilize other information with
- external reference labels of _WHAP, _ProgramCounter, _GeneralErr,
- _LibraryErr, _SpecificErr. GOMF1.0.obj requires your source define its
- own external label, _ErrorHandler, which is coded to recieve the return to
- normal processing, after the error has been neutralized. You will have to
- write up a custom routine called _ErrorHandler that will recieve the
- program flow after an error has been detected elsewhere in the program.
- This may be simply closing screens, windows and libraries before exiting,
- or you may wish to analyse the situation more completely and continue
- execution of your program code at another point. The potential of this
- feature is not small.
- Early on in your program do a simple call of _GOMF such as JSR _GOMF or
- GOMF(). This will activate the features of the linked module. Before
- your program cleans up and ends you must call _GOMFEnding in a like
- fashion so that _GOMF can release its memory useage etc.
- To recap, _GOMF is the initialization entry point. _GOMFEnding is the
- termination entry point. The other labels available are a structure laid
- out as follows...
- ULONG _ProgramCounter value of the program counter after the error
- APTR _LibraryErr pointer to null terminated string discriptor
- APTR _GeneralErr pointer to null terminated string discriptor
- APTR _SpecificErr pointer to null terminated string discriptor
- UBYTE _WHAP boolean TRUE or FALSE of WHAP gadget selction
- See the source code example of the use of this structure in Err4.asm for
- more clarification.
- Credits
- ~~~~~~~
- GOMF1.0, GOMF1.0.obj, Err1, Err2, Err3, Err4, and Hey! were written
- entirely in assembly language by Christian Johnsen.
- I trust this application is of use and value to you, and I welcome any
- communication via mail at this address.
- Christian Johnsen
- 3169 Consort Court
- Clearbrook
- British Columbia
- Canada
- V2T 4J5
- (604) 853-5426